49 research outputs found

    Influence of the training in relation to the fire-fighting effectivenessunder to the condition of the indoor fire simulation

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    Fire Dynamics in a confi ned space is considerably diffi cult. Flashover container enables experimental examining of many of its aspects in controllable conditions. For this reason there is an extensive research in form of large scale tests goes in Zbiroh where large container complex for liquefi ed gas fuel was built. In this time a human factor and its effect on the environment is in the research. Among others the tests were aimed to examining the infl uence of the training on the effi ciency of the intervention under indoor fi re conditions, namely the ability of a fi re-fi ghter affect the thermal fi eld and the thermal radiation in the right direction. The article describes the experiments that were carried out

    The most commonly used techniques in wre stling

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    Název práce: Nejčastěji prováděné chvaty v zápase Cíl práce: Hlavním cílem této práce je zjistit, které chvaty jsou nejpoužívanější v řecko-římském zápase a ve volném stylu. Tato práce poté dané chvaty popisuje, uvádí vhodnou obranu proti nim a nácvik těchto chvatů. Na závěr pak práce konfrontuje teoretický popis chvatů s tím, jak jsou reálně prováděny na závodech. Metody práce: Tato práce využívá k vypracování teoretické části této bakalářské práce metodu analýzy a syntézy odborných literárních zdrojů. V praktické části byla využívána především metoda pozorování a komparace výsledků. Vysledky: Výsledky této práce poukazují na to, že nejpoužívanější technikou na vybraných soutěžích v obou stylech je přetočení podbřišním záběrem v pokleku. V postoji pak přehoz přes záda záběrem paže v řecko- římském stylu a poraz vzad za nohu ve volném stylu. klíčová slova: zápas, chvat, obrana, volný styl, řecko-římský stylTitle: The most commonly used techniques in wrestling Objectives: The main task of the thesis is to discover what the most commonly used techniques in greco-roman and freestyle wrestling are. It further focuses on description of these techniques as well as on defence of them and on their training. Finally this thesis confronts the theoretical description of the techniques with the manner they are actually being used in competitons. Methods: The theoretical part of the thesis is based on analysis and synthesis of technical literature. The practical part uses especially the outcomes of observation and comparison of the results. Results: The results of this thesis show, that the most commonly used techniques in selected competition in both styles was a body roller. In stand position it was arm throw and leg attack in greco-roman style and freestyle, respectively. Keywords: wrestling, technnique, defence, freestyle, greco-roman styleTechnické a úpolové sportyFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor

    Kinesiological analysis of selected techniques in greco-romain wrestling

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    Název: Kineziologická analýza vybraných technik v zápase řecko- římském Cíle: Cílem diplomové práce je změřit velikost zapojení různých svalových skupin a pořadí svalové aktivace těchto skupin během zápasnické techniky zved na přetočení podbřišním záběrem pomocí povrchové elektromyografie. Metody: Tato práce využívá k vypracování teoretické části této práce metodu analýzy a syntézy odborných literárních zdrojů. V praktické části bylo pomocí povrchové elektromyografie zjišťováno, které svaly se zapojují do pohybu zvedu na přetočení podbřišním záběrem a následně vyhodnocován rozdíl v provedení u čtyř respondentů. Dále bylo sledován timing svalové aktivace. Výsledky: Vyhodnocení výsledku ukázalo, že nejvíce se nám při pohybu zapojuje musculus rectus femoris a naopak nejméně musculus obliquus externus abdominis. Dále došlo ke zjištění, že m. obliquus externus abdominis se do pohybu zapojuje nejdříve, zatímco jako poslední se zapojuje m. biceps femoris. Klíčová slova: Zápas, elektromyografie, kvalita pohybu, svalová aktivaceTitle: Kinesiological analysis of selected techniques in greco-romain wrestling Objective: The aim of this Thesis is to measure the extent to which various muscles are involved during the practice of the wrestling technique body lock, lift and suplex. It also considers the order in which the muscles are involved. The research applies surface electromyography. Methods: The theoretical part of this Thesis is predominantly based on the method of analysis and synthesis of the specialized literature. In the practical part, the surface electromyography was used to measure which muscles are involved in the body lock, lift and suplex. Subsequently, the difference of the motion performance of the four probands was evaluated. Furthermore, the timing of muscle activation was monitored. Results: The evaluation of the result showed that musculus rectus femoris is the most involved in the movement and the least musculus obliquus externus abdominis. In addition, it was found that m. Obliquus externus abdominis is involved first, while the last one is involved with m. Biceps femoris. Key words: Wrestling, electromyography, quality of movement, muscle activationTechnické a úpolové sportyFaculty of Physical Education and SportFakulta tělesné výchovy a sport

    Machine Learning-Based Analysis of the Association Between Online Texts and Stock Price Movements

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    The paper presents the result of experiments that were designed with the goal of revealing the association between texts published in online environments (Yahoo! Finance, Facebook, and Twitter) and changes in stock prices of the corresponding companies at a micro level. The association between lexicon detected sentiment and stock price movements was not confirmed. It was, however, possible to reveal and quantify such association with the application of machine learning-based classification. From the experiments it was obvious that the data preparation procedure had a substantial impact on the results. Thus, different stock price smoothing, lags between the release of documents and related stock price changes, five levels of a minimal stock price change, three different weighting schemes for structured document representation, and six classifiers were studied. It has been shown that at least part of the movement of stock prices is associated with the textual content if a proper combination of processing parameters is selected

    In Vitro Mechanical Properties of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate in Moist and Dry Intracanal Environments

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    Introduction: The purpose of this study was to examine the microhardness and modulus of elasticity (MOE) of White ProRoot MTA (Dentsply Tulsa Dental, Tulsa, OK) after setting in moist or dry intracanal conditions. Methods and Materials: To simulate root canal system, 14 polyethylen molds with internal diameter of 1 mm and height of 12 mm were used. These molds were filled with 9-mm thick layers of White ProRoot Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA; Dentsply Tulsa Dental, Tulsa, OK). The experimental group (n=7) had a damp cotton pellet with 1.5 mm height and a 1.5 mm layer of resin composite placed on it. In control group (n=7) the whole 3 mm above MTA were filled with resin composite. The specimens were kept in 37°C and relative humidity of 80% for 4 days in order to simulate physiological conditions. Specimens were longitudinally sectioned and nanoindentation tests were carried out using Berkovich indenter at loading rate of 2 mN/s at 4×5 matrices of indents which were located in the coronal, middle and apical thirds of the specimen’s cross section, to evaluate the microhardness and modulus of elasticity of the specimen to appraise the progression of the setting process. Differences were assessed using nonparametric generalized Friedman rank sum and Wilcoxon Rank-Sum tests. Results: Statistical analysis showed that there was a significant difference in microhardness and MOE between control and experimental groups at coronal (P<0.001), middle (P<0.001) and apical (P<0.001) thirds of the simulated rod from simulated apical foramen. Kruskal-Wallis test showed no significant effect of depth on microhardness of material in experimental or control groups. Conclusion: Within limitations of this in vitro study, it seems that moist intracanal environment improves setting of MTA in various depths.Keywords: Microhardness; Mineral Trioxide Aggregate; Modulus of Elasticity; Nanoindentatio

    Analysis of change in the marketing communication of a selected brand

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    The main objective of this Master’s thesis is to evaluate, how the marketing communication of Finlandia vodka has changed and how consumers perceive the communication since a new bottle design was released in 2018. The secondary objective is to detect how consumers perceive the new bottle of Finlandia vodka. Quantitative and qualitative research approaches were used to achieve the above mentioned objectives. Based on the quantitative research, a group of respondents, who are consuming vodka, does not consider the new bottle as a premium one. Based on the qualitative research, the new marketing communication is praised mostly by people from the older generation, opposed to the younger generation which does not find the new marketing communication very attractive. Generally, the communication does not represent same values as the brand itself for young people.Hlavním cílem této práce je vyhodnotit, jak se od roku 2018 změnila marketingová komunikace Finlandia vodky, kdy přešla na nový obal lahve, a vyzkoumat, jak je tato marketingová komunikace spotřebiteli vnímána. Dílčím cílem práce je potom zjistit, jak spotřebitelé novou lahev vnímají a jakým způsobem byla změna lahve Finlandia vodky komunikována. K dosažení jednotlivých cílů byly použity metody kvantitativního a kvalitativního výzkumu. Použitím kvantitativního výzkumu bylo zjištěno, že skupina respondentů konzumujících vodku nevnímá novou lahev prémiově. Z kvalitativního výzkumu vyplynulo, že marketingová komunikace nejvíce resonuje se staršími lidmi a není atraktivní pro mladší generaci. Pro ně komunikace nevystihuje to, jak Finlandia vodku vnímají

    The most commonly used techniques in wre stling

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    Title: The most commonly used techniques in wrestling Objectives: The main task of the thesis is to discover what the most commonly used techniques in greco-roman and freestyle wrestling are. It further focuses on description of these techniques as well as on defence of them and on their training. Finally this thesis confronts the theoretical description of the techniques with the manner they are actually being used in competitons. Methods: The theoretical part of the thesis is based on analysis and synthesis of technical literature. The practical part uses especially the outcomes of observation and comparison of the results. Results: The results of this thesis show, that the most commonly used techniques in selected competition in both styles was a body roller. In stand position it was arm throw and leg attack in greco-roman style and freestyle, respectively. Keywords: wrestling, technnique, defence, freestyle, greco-roman styl

    Determination sacharides in the bee honey by infrared spectroscopy

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    Práce se zabývá možnostmi stanovení cukrů obsažených v medu pomocí metod infračervené spektroskopie. Posuzuje též vhodnost této metody při praktickém použití pro běžné analýzy medu.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo